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Long ago, Angelkins tread on the same ground with all Glowkins. A subspecies that were once considered high class in their social system. Angels were not well liked by their fellow standards. In fact, Angels saw themselves as superior in every shape and form. And in a way, they were right. Angels were one of the kins that held the most beauty. Containing the most magic, and were promised a fulfilling role in society due to them just being an Angel. 


However, this mindset was one of the main reasons why there was such a divide among the kins. Even families. Those being blessed with an Angel for a child would almost always put their focus on that blessed child. Ignoring their other children in the process in favoring the Angel. 


Many families were torn apart when the subspecies were born into their bloodline. Resulting in many quarrels and fights between Angel and Standards breaking out across all kingdoms. While some Angels weren’t as selfish and greedy as their counterparts, they were still seen as a hated part of their world. Despite this, Angels were known to play large roles in the Great Empire. Some of the greatest generals are Angels themselves who put themselves in the brink of danger to protect their beloved home. Being some of the only Angels the standards actually respected. 


Many noblemen were Angels, being one of the richest with their knowledge in the arts of magic. Some say they could even craft items from magic itself. As if it were created by the gods themselves. 


In the Empire, being born an Angel will mean one thing.


If you’re an Angel, you were guaranteed a plentiful life in the world.


Until one day, a traitor striked down the Empress. The Emperor's beloved. Without catching the one who struck down the ruler’s wife. The only evidence was the large amount of magic spewing off the Empress’s corpse when she was found. The only way to have magic remind after directing it to something was when a Kin uses a large amount of magic. And the only ones who can accomplish that, especially the amount that were spewing off the corpse. Was an Angelkin. With his mind sicken with grief, the Emperor declared war on all the Angels. Even with the protest of his greatest generals, the uproar of the public only sent the Empire into a fit of chaos. Angels were dragged out of their homes, many of those who worked for the Angels turning against them. Using whatever they deemed fit to beat the once powerful class into submission. Families were torn and ripped apart by mobs. So many were killed just on the day of the declaration. As for the generals, the Emperor believed that execution was the most fitted punishment. In this way, he would kill the traitor among his army without having to bother searching for the real culprit. 


And thus, The Great Angel War began. Angels all over the Empire and kingdoms fled from their homes. Many died trying to escape the many standard’s raging anger and will to tear them open to spill their guts.  


The Angels formed a haven for themselves, training and preparing for the war that will scar them for a lifetime. 


Both sides pushed at each other, the Empire’s forces slaughtering countless Angels. While the Angelkins slaughtered many of their best men as well. Using their gifted talents to dispose of the armies. But even with that, many were still overtaken by the sheer amount of kins they faced. 


An organization of traitors assisted the Angels, using their light magic to heal the wounded. To keep them fighting in the war. Many of these kins were caught and sent to immediate execution by the Emperor’s orders. 


Even Villages were caught in the tangle of war. Especially in the forest of Withered Willows. The once driving villages within the forest were met with flames and death. Forcing many to evacuate their homes to avoid getting tangled in the brutal conflict. In the very end, after a whole year of death. They finally came with the agreement. The Angels were to be exiled. Along with any newborn Angels that were born within the Empire’s walls.

Now, Angels were non existing. All records of Angels were destroyed during the Great War. Now, none knows what an Angel looks like in this age. Only the stories of the war and how it began.

Many kins died during the war, both Angels and Standards alike. Villages were destroyed in the conflict, families torn by the war. Many are losing their will to live. Rumors are that there are unrested souls in the Forest of Withered Willows. 


The once lushful forest, now deserted. Almost all kins avoid it, fearing it to be cursed from the dead souls of the dead warriors. But some say there is something in a forest.. A settlement of some sorts…




Well, that’s for you to discover.

The Great Angel War

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