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Magic Burst

Welcome to the Magic Bursts page! In this page we'll discuss the secrets behind a Glowkin's magic burst!

What is a magic Burst?

A magic burst is when a kin experiences, well, a burst of magical energy! This is due to the overflowing amount of mana within a Kin's body! 

Magic burst sample fire.png

A critical sign of a kin experiencing a magic burst is where their gem parts and eye will partially glow. Unlike adults who's gem parts and pupil will become fully colored when in usage of magic. 

What causes a Magic Burst?

While a magic burst may seem cool for those who haven't experienced a magic burst, it's actually very unpleasant. These bursts of magic are like sneezes in our world. Unexpected and incontrollable

Most of time it occurs at a young age, when Kins don't have the ability to burn off the amount of mana growing within them. 

While not painful, these can become a major annoyance for all kins. Even if it's a natural part of themselves. So when a kin hasn't experienced a magic burst, it's most likely that they lack mana within themselves. 




The most common magic bursts are the ones surrounding basic elements. It isn't unheard of that more advance magic bursts exists. But for the majority, they're usually just one of the four common elements.

magic burst fire breathe.png

Fire Magic Burst

Fire magic bursts is one of the more dangerous out of the elements. Causing the kin to spit out fire from their mouths! 

Depending on the kin and their stored up mana, it can vary between a small flame to a large fire!

Though it cannot be stopped, a kin can normally tell when they're about to have a fire burst. Their throats' would get start to get itchy and let out a fir of coughs before flame meagered from their mouths. 

It is advise to have a bucket of water close by in case a kin starts to cough up a storm. It's difficult to tell if it is just a normal cough, or a fire bursts ready to happen!

Water Magic Burst

Water magic burst ( Sample).png

A water bursts is one of the most harmless out of the bunch. Causing the kin to sweat and have a slight fever during this bursts.

When experiencing this particular bursts, droplets of sweat would float around a kin's body.

However it is known for a kin to life up larger bodies of water with their bursts. So it's best to follow the advice of staying away from large amount of water so they don't accidentally lift up a whole river. 

A kin will know when there is a water burst is when they're becoming a bit feverish, a bit of rest would usually help said kin deal with the magic burst. 

Earth Magic Burst

earth magic burst ssksks.png

Earth bursts are when a kin's body becomes very itchy to the point where they can cause growth of small plants and lift up small pieces of earth! 

While not as dangerous as the fire burst, not as harmless as a water bursts. It is known for a kin to lift a whole slab of earth off the ground with them on it! So it's better to keep an eye out for kins experiencing a harsh time with this bursts. 

However, unlike the others, this bursts can cause plants to grow to an alarming right. Depending on the kin, it can vary speeds of growth.

A kin will normally know when their skin gets very, very itchy all of a sudden

Air Magic Burst

air magic burst'.png

The last and finale of the common element burst. 

The air burst!

This one makes a kin gets the sniffles! But instead of having normal sneezes, this sneeze can send them into the air! Or into other kins depending where they sneeze. 

Depending on the kin, this can range from a light jump off the ground to a full 5 feet into the air!

Like sneezes in our world, kins cannot predict when they will experience an air burst. 

And thus we have it! The magic bursts! A very natural and beautiful in the world of Glowkins.

Can adults experience a magic burst?

Of course they can! But unlike kinlings they have the privilege to use their magic, getting their mana an outlet to escape from! But it isn't unheard of a kin experiencing a magic bursts, even when grown!

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