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The Empire is the most powerful civilization of kins. While there are more settlements the Empire holds the title of being one of the oldest alliance between three kingdoms. Many kings born within it's territories are taught many legends and tales of powerful kins of time.

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Long ago, three tribes were at war. The Avianes, The Sharp Tooths, and The Buriers. A furious conflict between these tribes caused a massive loss on all sides.  Losing supplies, food,  and countless lives. The harred

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The Three Kingdoms

The three kingdoms are branched off powers of the Empire. Each playing a part in the Empire's reign. These kingdoms still have rulers of their own, but also serves as advisors for the emperor. Making critical decisions for the Empire. 

The Western Kingdom

The kingdom is also known as the kingdom of the sun. With four seasons consisting of, Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.

This particular kingdom prides itself on their Harvest Festival, Academy of Magical arts, and the Imperial Guard Academy. Their territory is vase and wide with forests, fields and littered with small villages and town.

It also happens to have the Withering Willows forest on it's land. Only time will tell what the current ruler of this kingdom will do once they hear of the village within the forest.


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The Northern Kingdom

Also known as the Kingdom Of Ice, such as it's name, it is always snowing in this kingdom's lands. With constant blizzards and cold nights, it is a winter wonderland for all to experience. 

The Northern Kingdom prides itself in it's vase beauty, duels of honor, and craftsmanship of a variety of items. 


Unlike their fellow kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom territory lacks the same amount of trees. But to make up this lack of trees, grows many moss, shrubs, and lichens covered in ice. 


Kins this kingdom are born with a natural tolerance to the cold in the form of fur! Those that travel to this kingdom are always in awe at the beautiful kingdom within it's walls.   

The Southern Kingdom

Also known as the Kingdom Of The Earth. Unlike it's fellow kingdoms, this kingdom's city isn't located in the open. 

But instead resides within a mountain! With crystals to give them light into their kingdom's darkness. The Kingdom prides itself with it's large amount of minerals, riches and their powerful diggers. 

Within the mountain will be one of the darkest places you'll ever enter, it's only light source being numerous candles and crystals scattered within. 

Kins born within this kingdom all digger claws or bioluminescent to aid them within their mountain home.

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The Capital 

The capital is where the Emperor resides. Being in the middle of the three kingdoms. While small, it's beauty if of no other kingdom. Every 6 moons it is known for all the rulers would meet the Emperor within the great palace. 

Discussing the current state of each kingdom and the state of the empire itself. 

The emperor rarely leaves the capital unless it is a matter of high importance.

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