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Long ago, the forest of the willows was once a flourishing home to many kins. Being known for it's mysterious beauty, it was known to be a vacation spot for all. That was till the great angel war. The war that made the forest it's battleground. Filling the once untouched beauty into a home of death and the unrest. 

After the long and devastating war, it became a wasteland. Abandoning even the village that resigned within.

The Village

A village made it's home in the forest many years ago, once being large in comparison of it's current state.  Once a place for many vacationing kins to stay while they explore the once beautiful forest. However, after the war, the village was dragged in between the standards and angels. Who fought till they drop.

The chief of the time made his efforts to protect his fellow villagers, building a makeshift bunker beneath the violence. Despite only having to survive on their crops and meats, and with little sunlight, they survived the fierce war.

While having to survive, many had died during the wait. Leaving the villagers with a small population then what it once was.  They came to find their beloved home destroyed during the years. 

But the chief held onto hope, encouraging his fellow kins to rebuild their lives. And thus, they did. A small, but humble village who waited for the outside to help rebuild their home. 

But none came, as time went by, the village became use to the fact that they were hidden. Until their village is being stalked by a terrible monster in the woods...

The Ranch

The ranch is homed to all animals that the village provides to their villagers. Being the source of where their meat comes from. Safely secured close to the village to protect their animals from any rodents that tried to steal them. 

At the moment, there are only three yaks. Charlie, Tumble and Billy. It is owned by Frank who cares for the yaks. 

BlackSmith Shop

A shop that makes weaponry and armor for the villagers. Even if they had no need of it, they will always come in handy when kins are out hunting for a delicate meal. It is run by a kin named Tanya who takes deep pride in her work. 

The Clinic 

A small, local hospital run by one kin who is abnormally small. The hospital is where all kins will go to when they're sick or injured. 


Once made to protect the village from the monsters outside, the runes that remain now serves as a reminder to those who survived. 

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Berryfall River

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A river that flows through the forest. A great place to cool down and to watch the local animals. It is said that berries would fall off from bushes and flow through the river. 

Whispering Cave

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A cave that seems to whisper to those who gets too close. Kins would dare each other to go within the cave, but none would ever make it even a step in before being scared away by the crawlies inside. 

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