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All kins must grow at some point in their lives.

Growing Up 

So, you’re ready for your kin to begin their adventures as a young adult? Wonderful! In this guide, we will go through the process of getting your kin into their first steps into adulthood. 

thinking of growth~.png

Adult Forms

The first of the forms, the very same that the first Kins were. This form is the fastest out of all four forms, with large feet and a sloped back to keep them balanced and quick on their toes. Some even say ferals are still around in this form. 


raptor showcase.png
Quad form.png


One of the first forms the kins took when the world was still new. With bigger feet and broader shoulders, they leave an impact on their foes who dare to oppose them. Also makes pretty good diggers by society standards. 

snake form.png


Even without the use of legs, Nagas are highly appreciated for their slender bodies. Being able to slip through the thinnest of cracks.



The youngest of the forms, appearing just when the kins were coming out of their feral stages. More of a common stance in the society.

Growing your Kin

So you want to become an adult, huh?

The first thing you need to do is to make sure your kin is qualified to grow into one of the forms above! 

  • Your kin must be 1 month old.

  • You must have three pieces of art of them.

  • Must be an Official Kin!

Kin’s Name:
Adult Form:
Hatch Date:

Once all these are met, you can consider filling out the form below along with your visual application:

Do note you cannot apply upgrades on this approval image; they must have the upgrades unlocked and applied before growing up if you want that upgrade to be listed here!

Additionally note that slow-growing is fully permitted, though you won’t be allowed to apply upgrades during this time; slow-growing is restricted to at most six months real lifetime past the adult image; after that, the kin must be in their final adult form.

Remember that the adult forms aren’t entirely strict; nothing’s stopping your kin from having their own body type, after all! Just remember the general shape must stay the same; quads cannot be excessively long(they aren’t noodles, after all; that honor goes to nagas), naga’s arms can’t be nonexistent, and so on.


When placing your kin on the blank application, you will need to draw your Glowkins Kinling and adult form. Make them drawn in the same direction, showcasing their crown.

Grow up sample.png

There are two available applications for you to use. One for naga and bipel forms. The other for the quad and raptor forms. These will be found in our resources account on DA.

Crown Sizes!

As a kin grows, so does their crown size! Or shrink, that’s for you to decide! Since crown are just a decorative part of kins, many kins crowns can shrink or grow as they get older.

Submitting for Approval 

After posting your kin on DeviantArt, you will also need to post them on our discord server. Pinned on the channel will be the format you can fill in to send for approval for your adult application! 

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