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Egg Snapper

Egg Snappers, one of the most well known creatures in the world. As well as being the most disliked by all. There is not one kin who hasn't heard of what an Egg Snapper is. This helped by the fact that these fellas are everywhere. From the most dense forest, to the most driest deserts. No one can shake these guys off it seems.

While basically harmless, Egg Snappers are famous for stealing eggs. Either from another animal or kin eggs. Being a species with quick feet, these Egg Snappers would steal any unattended egg with whatever chance they get. Eggs are the favorite food of Egg Snappers. If they had to choose a five star meal and an egg, they would choose the egg. Many don't know where this obsession came from, but from experience many kins avoid the Egg Snappers whenever they have eggs in their stock.

Egg Snappers are usually seen in packs, making this the advantage to ambush and take any egg unattended. However, if a kin hatches wile within the mouth of one of these creatures. It will simply drop the newly born creature and zoom off.

New revamped Male Egg Snapper.png
  • Egg Snapper ( Singular) 

  • Egg Snappers ( Plural)

  • Chicks ( Baby Egg Snapper)

Threat Level: Mild

Location: Everywhere

Female Egg Snappers aren't known to steal eggs, instead they are aggressive protectors of their nests from any danger they sense. While males are more of a nuisance, females are to be careful around due to their territorial behavior. Especially if they have younglings around.

Females are usually tenders to their nests and chicks while males are out and about hunting for them. With their long, single claw, female egg snappers can hold off any intruder that dare trespass. Kins are advise to stray away from the females, as quick as possible if they have chicks.

But kins don't usually worry about the females, since they are normally never away from their nests.

New ravamped egg snapper female.png

Chicks are the fragile younglings of Egg Snappers. Born with small bodies and blue eyes, these small cuties are to be protected by their mother and father. Born in a clutch of eggs, all are born in a dull brown color with blue eyes. Making things difficult to tell which are female and which are males. But the answer will be when they began to grow into their adult bodies. The first change will be their eyes, losing their blue in exchange of gaining either orange or the dark pink color of a female. 


Their bodies will shed all the fluff off, leaving them a more rough skin texture. Male chicks would grow feathers in its place while females would grow the famous single nail on their claw. 


Chicks are mostly at their nest with their mothers, happily playing with each other till the day they grow. They can be identified by the sound of chirping.  

Baby egg snappers.png
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